‘This Isn’t a Bubble’

By ~ Dimitri Otis   May 6, 2021 The U.S. housing market is on a hot streak with double-digit annual gains in home prices, bidding wars, and surging buyer demand. That type of soaring housing market is prompting more “bubble” fears in some corners, but economists ay the housing market isn’t getting overflated. “We have

Pres. Biden’s Proposed Budget Boosts Housing Programs

By Kerry Smith The fiscal year 2022 “Discretionary Funding Request” is a wish list, but it indicates priorities. The latest requests $68.7B for HUD, an increase of $9B over last year. WASHINGTON – The Biden-Harris Administration submitted its “Discretionary Funding Request (https://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/FY-2022-Discretionary-Request/)” to Congress, which is essentially a wish list of funding preferences it hopes